(Under regulation 30(8) of SEBI (Listing obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015)


In the present digital world, companies create and store electronic documents and information on their websites. The website is a single domain that consists of different web pages within the domain or sub-domains that convey information about the business carried out by the company.

GTS’s Website is hosted on the domain www.globeteleservices.com

The Website provides reliable information to describe the business and the information hosted on the Website is updated on a regular basis depending on the requirements of the various businesses of the Company. Although web pages are frequently updated, the Company also archives certain types of documents and information to serve as a historical record for the Company.

Content archiving is the process of collecting portions of the website and ensuring that the collection is preserved in an archive and maintain records required for statutory purposes.

Archived data consists of older data that is still important to the organization and may be needed for future reference, as well as documents/information that must be retained for regulatory compliance.

Scope and Applicability

The Policy applies to such documents/ information hosted and visible to the public on the website of Globe Teleservices Pte Ltd (hereinafter mentioned as Company) i.e. www.globeteleservices.com and its sub domain - investor.globeteleservices.com Investor- related data which needs to be archived for statutory purposes.

Date of implementation

The content archiving policy shall come into force from the date of listing. This policy has been issued with the approval of the Board and shall also be posted on the website of the Company.

Documents/ information which shall be archived

Financial Data: The Investor‘s web pages provide access to financial documents/ information for existing and potential stakeholders which are regulatory in nature, including annual reports and financial results.

Press Releases and News Announcements: The Company’s website provides information/ data which is relevant to the media, researchers or investors who seek information on the growth of the company and significant events of the past. This shall also include events or transactions or information which are disclosed by the Company.

Archiving Mechanism

The aforesaid information shall be displayed on the website of the Company for a period of five years from the date of its publication. The aforesaid information which is more than five (5) years old will be archived from the website of the Company and shall be maintained by the Company for a further period of five years using appropriate technology. These archives shall be made available on a written request made to the Compliance Officer of the Company.

Review & Amendment

The Policy shall be reviewed as and when required to ensure that it meets the objectives of the relevant regulation and remains effective. The Board has the right to change/amend the policy at any time at its discretion and the new policy shall be displayed to the stakeholders.
